It's really hard to miss the NYC Marathon when it comes storming into town every year. The 26.2 course cuts through all five boroughs. Almost every year when I see the runners, I think to myself how I'd love to run the marathon one day. I wonder if one day I'm able to overcome my tendinitis, torn meniscus, and general laziness and finally enter the race. But as a spectator, I'm already hugely blessed to be a part of the marathon. If people could take all the amazing dynamics that are at work during marathons and apply it to everyday life, New York would be a much better place. Take for instance who's running. It's not like watching Track & Field at the Olympics where you only see the best of the best. The marathoners, on the other hand, are a hodge podge of super athletes, weekend warriors, average folks, and even the physically disabled. None of these labels matter on Marathon Day. But every single one of them is inspiring to watch. The NYC Marathon is an equalizer in many ways. What if we approached our careers and social lives the same way? There's also a dynamic among strangers that is rarely seen in other situations. Strangers cheering on strangers. As a spectator something compels you to root for people you don't know, people you'll never see again. And as a runner you feed off of that. Sure, being cheered on by your wife, kids or best friend is a powerful thing. But when a stranger genuinely cheers you on and wants you to succeed, you're filled with an enormous sense of gratitude that is hard to match. I've long viewed the U.S. Open as my favorite spectator sporting event. But this year, the marathon reminded me that it's so much more than just a sporting event. It's a blueprint for something far greater.