It turns out it was an energy saver light bulb that probably blew out a while ago. I never bothered to replace the light bulb because there are two other light bulbs accompanying it in the light fixture. Little did I realize that you shouldn't keep burned-out light bulbs intact with the light switch on. Your defunct lightbulb will return from the dead as a putrid aroma.
Ever catch a smell that brings you back to an earlier moment or time? That happened to me last weekend. I was waiting for the 6 train at 51st Street and Lexington to head to a church family dinner in Williamsburg for some tasty pork roast and good conversation. We had asparagus, which was followed by stinky pee. Ever notice that about asparagus? It's true. But I digress. So I was waiting on the south side of the downtown platform when all of a sudden I catch a whiff. It was the same whiff from Walsh Hall's dining facility at BC. Crazy. That's a smell circa 1995. Exact same odor.
This got me thinking about good smells. Smells that I've come to love in this city. Besides pretty much every steakhouse. This place comes to mind immediately: Amy's Bread at 9th Avenue between 46th & 47th Streets.
Good times.