Over a year ago I blogged about Michael, a young homeless guy that hangs around 59th St and Lexington Ave a lot. Yesterday I bumped into him again as I was running to catch a train. I was ecstatic when he told me he just landed a job and that he's moving in soon to a place in Bayside. Hearing that news totally made my day. For a while now I was growing tired of seeing Michael on the streets with no job, no plan, no hope. It irked me, actually. I thought he was being lazy. I knew that people - including me - tried to direct him to some options. And over a year passed. Still nothing. Seeing Michael on the street asking for money was getting old. So when he shared the great news yesterday, I was both relieved and excited for him. It reminded me to never give up praying. I believe God was listening all along, and I'm sure others have been praying for him, too. I hope they're as encouraged by this as I am.
Read my previous post on Michael..
Read my previous post on Michael..