By now a lot of folks know the movie takes place in Mumbai, India. I'm glad that this film is providing exposure into the real-life conditions of the slums in India. Slumdog Millionaire reminded me of my short time in India in 2003, specifically in Sivikasi and Bangalore. While people will tell you that Bangalore and Mumbai are very different, the harsh divisions of the caste system continue to be prevalent in both cities. And if you ask me, that's a big part of both their identities. When I was in Bangalore, I was shocked to see that a ten minute drive from some of the nicest neighborhoods and one turn onto a dirt road brought you right into the heart of the slums. The disparity is shocking and leaves you on an anti-high that only injustice can trigger. Still, watching Slumdog Millionaire made me want to go back and visit. Like most places where there's ugliness, there's also plenty of beauty to soak in.